10 Good Fats You Need To Support Healthy Testosterone Levels

You might agree that a few years ago during the fat-free craze eating fats was considered taboo.  Now the truth has come to light. Good fats are well, good for you.

The problem is that some people are still programmed to think that fats are bad.

Having helped hundreds of patients over the years from the United States Marines and Navy Sailors to the men that come through the doors of our medical clinic, as well as being a health journalist and avid fitness enthusiast, I know a thing or two about men’s health.

In this post, I will address fats, what kinds to eat to help you lose weight and to get into great overall shape.  

Why consuming fats help with testosterone

It’s beneficial to add good omega 3 fats to your diet to help increase your testosterone.

This is because losing weight has been shown to help increase testosterone.

Many studies have proven that being overweight especially in the midsection (tummy fat) can cause testosterone levels to decline.

The problem is slimming down takes a lot of work.

Benefits of eating fat

Fats are an essential part of slimming down.  Eating fat can trigger the body to lose more weight.

Eating fat sends signals to the body that you have enough fat stores; therefore, your body does not go into starvation mode and store unwanted fat.

Another benefit of eating fat is how full it makes you feel.  Eating the same amount of starchy carbs will make you feel hungry much faster causing you to crave foods, snack unnecessarily, make poor food choices and eat more during the day.

However, not all fats are created equal.

Bad fats increase cholesterol and cause you to be at higher risk for several diseases.  But good fats protect your brain, heart and support excellent health.

Omega 3’s are good fats.

The following list of fats will help you feel fuller, be more satiated, and allow you to slim down.  This list will help you get in prime shape to increase testosterone naturally.

Good fats to include in your diet:

  • Raw nuts
  • Avocados
  • Coconut milk
  • Pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds
  • Wild Fish
  • Eggs
  • Hummus
  • Flax seeds and Hemp seeds

Oils to include in your diet and to cook with:

  • Olive Oil
  • Vegetable oil
  • Coconut Oil
  • Peanut Oil
  • Walnut Oil
  • Avocado Oil
  • Sunflower Oil


Add some high-quality fats to your diet and cut back on the carbohydrates and magic will start to happen. 

You may find that your pants are getting loose and your stomach smaller.

You may find that you have more energy, feel stronger and sleep more soundly, which are all benefits of increasing testosterone.

Combine eating fats with super fast steps to creating more testosterone for an added boost to slimming down and feeling great.

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Can A Simple Oil Be Better Than Viagra?

Can a simple oil be better than Viagra?

If you are a man, I think you might agree with me that being able to perform in the bedroom is a significant concern.

New studies suggest that olive oil can actually increase performance in the bedroom, reduce sexual dysfunction – Ed and increase testosterone. Who doesn’t want that?

Having helped hundreds of patients over the years from Marines and Navy sailors to the men that come through the doors of our medical clinic, as well as being an avid strength trainer, I know a thing or two about hormones, specifically testosterone.

In this post, we dive into what studies show concerning olive oil, ED, and testosterone.

#1: Testosterone

You may have noticed all the news lately about testosterone and how important it is to men concerning muscle definition, energy, and mood. You may have even heard that testosterone plays a vital role in improving one’s sex life. Or rather that a reduction in testosterone can harm your erections terribly.

Low testosterone is responsible for many things which include:

  1. Low sex drive
  2. Erections
  3. Semen
  4. Hair loss
  5. Fatigue
  6. Muscle mass
  7. Body fat
  8. Bone mass
  9. Mood

#2 Olive Oil and Testosterone

Several studies show that olive oil can increase testosterone by as much as 19.9 %. However, what’s even more powerful is that it has been shown to reduce impotence by as much as 40%. Researchers from the University of Athens, Greece say that just 9 tablespoons of olive oil is all you need each day to see positive benefits.

Olive oil benefits:

  1. Keep blood vessels healthy
  2. Maintains circulation
  3. Reduces ED – erectile deficiency
  4. Increases testosterone

#3 The Medeterrain diet

Men have shown similar results to those that consume olive oil to those on the Mediterranian diet. Specifically, men that followed the Medeterrain diet drank lots of olive oil, fruits, vegetables, legumes, fish and nuts.

#4: Reducing body fat

Slimming down in conjunction with eating a diet rich in olive oil has the added benefit of increasing testosterone. With the increase in testosterone comes increased mood, more energy, and more vigor in the bedroom.


It’s clear to me that if you want to protect yourself from ED, improve your performance in the bedroom, and increase your testosterone then either adding olive oil to your diet or consuming the Medeterrain diet is one way to go.

With all this research why not add just a little olive oil to your daily salads, use it to cook with or add it to a smoothie.

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Super Fast Steps To Creating More Testosterone

If you are a man, I think you will agree with me that if you have erectile dysfunction – ED, feeling sluggish, depressed or having trouble sleeping then finding a solution is of the utmost importance.  With this in mind boosting testosterone is fundamental.

The issue that I have found is that most men don’t realize just how important these symptoms related to low testosterone.

Having helped hundreds of patients over the years from Marines and Navy sailors to the men that come through the doors of our medical clinic, as well as being an avid strength trainer, I know a thing or two about hormones, specifically testosterone.  

In this post, I am going to give you a quick rundown on five quick ways you can boost your testosterone so you can get back in the game, sleep better and have a better sex life.

#1 Understand Symptoms of Low-T

What is low testosterone and what does it mean?   Specifically, do you know what the symptoms of low testosterone are?  Take a quick account and see if any of these symptoms sound like you:

  • Low Libido
  • Erectile Dysfunction
  • Osteoporosis
  • Depressed Mood
  • Lethargy
  • Diminished Physical Performance

#2 Trim Down

Chances are that if you happen to look down when you are standing over the toilet, and you can’t see your privates that you have low testosterone.  

Having a fat belly is a clear indicator of low testosterone.  Being overweight not only increases belly fat but it’s indicative of low testosterone.  This can also can lead to pre-diabetes a disease that is the precursor to diabetes. What this means is that your blood sugar is higher than usual but not quite in the danger range.  

According to the Mayo-Clinic, The problem is that if pre-diabetes is not corrected, it can lead to type 2 diabetes.  The long term problem with type-2 diabetes is damage to the heart, blood vessels, and kidneys.

So my advice is to get a nutritionist (and consult your doctor) and follow what they say about slimming down.  If you are on a budget, then check out the keto diet, paleo and any other diets that restrict starchy carb intake.  

Always consult your physician before taking any advice and starting a diet and exercise program.

#3 Lift heavy weight

Strength training is by far one of the best ways to increase your testosterone, and it has the added benefit of turbocharging your metabolism.  

The extra calories that you burn from strength training can also help you reposition your weight from fat to muscle.  

It’s not uncommon for you to lift weights, gain a little weight or even weight the same.  As this happens, you may find that your pants are looser and your shirts are tighter than before.  

Vigorous weight lifting catapults testosterone, which not only helps build muscle, make you look great and improves overall mood.  

Once you get in the knack of working out 2-3 times per week the extra confidence that comes along with knowing that you are getting stronger and leaner carries over into other aspects of your life.

#4 Get quality Sleep

We have all heard it before you need to get quality sleep, reduce stress, blah blah blah but how do you go about doing this will all the stressors that life throws your way?  

First, understand the importance that sleep has on your wellbeing.  If you’re not getting enough quality sleep, then your body is unable to recover from exhaustion, stress and cellular damage.  

What this means to you is that if you are no longer able to recover from stress, the stress-induced hormone cortisol is continually being produced in your body.  

This means that no matter how hard you work out cortisol is fighting your progress.  This makes you fatter and fatter. The best way to combat this is to get quality rest.

Here is a simple list of things to do to help get more sleep:

  • Meditate just 10 minutes each day
  • Cut the caffeine after 4pm each day
  • Turn off the TV 2 hours before bedtime
  • Read a book 1 hour before you go to sleep – bring it to bed with you
  • Place your phone far away from your bed
  • Drink 1 glass of wine 1 hour before bed

#5 Eat high-quality foods

Here is a short list of high-quality foods that will help boost your testosterone:

  1. Tuna
  2. Low-fat milk
  3. Egg yolks
  4. Fortified cereals
  5. Oysters
  6. Shellfish
  7. Beef
  8. Beans
  9. More


As you can see, there are some real quick steps you can take to get your testosterone levels ramped up. Testosterone plays a vital role in energy, mood and sexual function.

Follow these simple steps, and you could see improved sex life, more energy better sleep, and performance at work.  Who knows your boss may see the new vigor and motivation in you and offer you a raise.

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Can you increase your testosterone, if so what you should do?

I know you will agree with me when I tell you that everyone is talking these days about testosterone, from magazine articles to doctors offices promoting hormone replacement therapies.  But can you increase your testosterone naturally?

The answer is yes if it’s low.

The problem that I have found is that there is just too much contradictory information out there to know what is right from wrong. As a health and fitness journalist, and having worked in the medical field for over eight years, I have helped men treat their testosterone levels as well as other aspects of health.

In this brief post, I will give some ideas on how you can increase your testosterone naturally and how to find out if you have low testosterone, to begin with.

What is testosterone

Testosterone is a hormone that is produced in men and women. In the men, it is produced by the testicles and in women the ovaries. Testosterones main function is to produce bone and muscle strength, sperm production, sex drive, red blood cell production and of course stabilize mood and energy levels.

This is one of the reason when testosterone levels are low you may experience trouble sleeping or staying asleep.

What are the symptoms of low T

When your testosterone levels are low, it can easily be confused with other conditions such as exhaustion, overwork, and mental issues such as stress.

Here are some common symptoms of low testosterone:

  • Sleep issues
  • Muscle loss and low strength
  • Sexual dysfunction such as erectile dysfunction
  • Low sex drive
  • Low sperm count
  • Weight gain/difficulty losing weight
  • Depression and mental fogginess

Test your testosterone levels

Always consult your medical provider if you think you are having symptoms of low testosterone. Your doctor will most likely order a total testosterone blood serum test however there are some at home saliva kits that can give you a much more accurate reading of your testosterone levels.

How to naturally increase your testosterone

To increase your testosterone naturally, this means without drugs or bio-identical hormone implants you must first understand this is a lifestyle change and not a quick fix like swallowing a pill.

Diet and exercise have a dramatic effect on your hormones and testosterone are no different.

First off low-fat diets will make you fat. The best diets incorporate a moderate to high amount of fat. I know this goes against what we have been taught by the crafty advertising campaigns of cereal companies and other similar product manufacturers.

The truth is the right kinds of fat such as fat from olives, avocados, etc. can be very beneficial for testosterone production. Moderate to high protein is also necessary.

If you are sedentary or work a desk job and get very little exercise, you may consider looking into the ketogenic diet, paleo diet or similar diets that regulate the number of starchy carbs that you are to eat.

There is one caveat though if you are not obese, or are in terrific shape then eating a low carb diet may not be the ideal diet for boosting testosterone. In this case, you are going to need to consume a higher amount of carbs to keep your energy levels high, and they should be consumed at the right time.

Bottom line

If you are serious about what to do to increase your testosterone, then consider eating enough calories, consume them in nutritious foods (not take out), balance your macros accordingly, strength train (lift weights) and stay lean (or lean up). And don’t forget, don’t do too much cardio.

Out of all of these nothing boosts testosterone like lifting weights and lowering your body fat.

If you are experiencing any of the symptoms described, consult your medical provider before attempting to change your diet, perform exercises or take advice from anyone.

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Best Exercises To Increase Testosterone In Men

Muscular man workout with kettlebell at gym

Muscular man workout with kettlebell at gym

For men the holy grail of looking good and feeling great is testosterone. No matter what your age is boosting your testosterone should be priority number one.  Testosterone often called the ‘male sex hormone’ is what makes a man a man.

This powerful hormone produces the drive in men that make them sexy and attractive.  Testosterone produces that deep baritone voice that melts women when they hear it. Testosterone is responsible for creating muscle mass.

But other vital roles of testosterone are sex drive, strength, bone density, and decreasing fat.  A good nights rest can also be contributed to testosterone. With regards to sex drive, many men agree the most important function of testosterone is getting and maintaining an erection.

The problem that I have found is that testosterone production declines as we age.  Most men’s testosterone production starts fading in their 30’s and gets worse as time ticks on.

Combine eating healthy with strength training for an extra boost in testosterone production that will burn the fat off your bones.

A healthy food regime should include a balanced diet of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins.

If you are a man over fifty and want a secret to ‘turning back the clock’ of aging then this is for you. Increasing testosterone can increase muscle mass, reduce body fat and help regain a youthful appearance. The missing ingredient is strength training.


The best testosterone producing exercises are:

  1. deadlifts
  2. squats
  3. bench press
  4. row
  5. pullup/chin up
  6. shoulder press
  7. Pushup

These exercises incorporate the most muscle involvement which is called compound exercises. Compound exercises incorporate many muscles at once which takes more energy to perform burning more calories.  The more muscles involved in strength training exercises mean more testosterone production.

To maximize testosterone, you should do total body workouts two to three times per week.  The seven exercises that I mentioned can be performed a few times per week. Adequate rest is required between each workout day for the best results.  Also increasing your rest builds more muscle and prevents injury.

Always consult your doctor before beginning any exercise program.  Also, remember to take it slow and easy at first. My recommendation is to only perform one to two days of exercise at first.  Once you get comfortable with the program you can add more days of exercise. Once your body gets used to the energy required to perform these exercises try increasing the weight on the machines or barbells.

Total body exercise instructions

Perform the following exercises below as one workout.  Do all seven exercises from one to two times per week all together in consecutive order.


Sets: 1-2
Reps: 8-12
Rest: 2 minutes


Stand with your feet approximately should width apart.  Bend your hips back and reach down and grab the bar, hands about should width as well.

Keep your lower back in a natural arch.  Then drive your heels into the floor as you pull the bar upwards along your shins using your whole body.  End the movement when you are standing with your hips extended (standing upright) and the bar is in front of your thighs.  This completes one rep.

Bench Press (Dumbbell Benchpress)

Sets: 1-2
Reps: 8-12
Rest: 2 minutes


Grab the bar about shoulder width and arch your back, so there’s between your lower back and the bench.

Pull the bar out of the rack and lower it to your sternum (chest) tucking your elbows about 45 degrees to your sides. When the bar gently touches your chest drive the bar (extend) back upward.  This completes one rep.

Chest Supported Bentover Row

Sets: 1-2
Reps: 8-12
Rest: 2 minutes


Lie on an incline bench on your stomach.  Let your arms hang down in front of you. With a dumbbell in each hand lift (pull) your arms back towards your armpits.

Squeeze your shoulder blades together as you pull the dumbbells upward back towards the outer edges of your chest towards your armpits.

Shoulder press

Sets: 1-2
Reps: 8-12
Rest: 2 minutes


Perform the should press either with a shoulder press machine or with dumbells. For this exercise example, I will be speaking about using an exercise machine.

Adjust the seat of the shoulder press machine so that the handles are shoulder level.  If you have shoulder problems, grasp the handles so that the palms face each other. Otherwise, grip the handles so that the palms are facing forward.

As you press upwards, make sure your elbows slide up towards your ribs and reverse the position when you come down.

Chin up

Sets: 1-2
Reps: 8-12
Rest: 2 minutes


If you can’t do a chin-up yet use the pull-down machine until your strength improves.  

Grab a pull-up bar underhand at should width, hang from the bar and then pull yourself up until your chin is over the bar.  Repeat.


Sets: 1-2
Reps: 8-12
Rest: 2 minutes


Place your hand’s shoulder width on the floor.  You will be lying facing the floor. Keep your abs braced and your body in a straight line, squeeze your shoulder blades together.

Lower your body until your chest is an inch above the floor

Congratulations, you have completed rigorous testosterone boosting workout.  Give your self a hand. Try doing one of each exercise, rest and then move on to the next exercise until you reach the last exercise.  If you have enough ‘gas in the tank’ and are not too tired, then repeat the seven exercises one more time.

Take a rest for at least one day possible two and then repeat the exercises again

For an added boost of testosterone production check out our advanced testosterone boosting formula T-Rize.  You can get it here.

Ways Men Over 50 Can Boost Testosterone Naturally

 I think you will agree with me when I tell you that what makes a man a man is Testosterone. Of course, more things make a great man like his courage, honesty, persistence, and kindness towards his mother but when it comes to the hormones testosterone is king.

Advancement in medicine and technology and the quality of foods we eat has propelled us to live longer. Since we are living longer, it’s a great idea to maintain your testosterone levels this is especially important as we age.

It’s not uncommon for testosterone to be relatively high in men over fifty however without following proper guidelines testosterone can also be low.

If you are feeling sluggish, tired, have loss of concentration or reduce sex drive your testosterone could be low. Below are some ways you can boost your testosterone naturally.

Step #1: Get in shape:


For men, nothing works better to get into shape than strength training. Strength training defined as using resistance either through weights, body weight or resistance bands to strengthen muscles. Adding some form of cardio from walking to sprinting and anything in between is also a great way to supplement your strength training.

Regular exercise or increased physical activity helps to not only get one in shape but will help increase testosterone naturally.

For exercise without getting bored try playing a fun sport like racquetball, or tennis but don’t forget to add at least 2-3 strength training session per week.

For men that have built up some endurance high-intensity interval training (HIIT) is a very effective exercise. Regardless of the type of exercise just doing something often can aid testosterone production.

Research suggests that not only does exercise help keep the muscles in good shape but it helps to lower body fat. Obesity is the number one cause of getting fat, duh. Seriously obesity can lead to many forms of illness from type 2 diabetes to heart problems.

Step #2: Eat Good Foods

What is eating right? Mainly you want to eat foods that assist with the production of lean muscle and the production of testosterone and avoid foods that can make you fat.

Going on yo-yo diets, such as starting and stopping dieting can cause your testosterone levels and other hormones to get out of balance. Unbalanced hormones can cause all kinds of problems the least of which is reduced testosterone.

You want to eat lean high protein foods like chicken and fish for protein. Eating good quality proteins helps support muscles which can aid in fat loss thus supporting testosterone production.

Eat tons of leafy greens like collard greens or spinach. Moreover, of course, eat healthy fats like avocado and the fats from fish like salmon. You can eat moderate grains and potatoes however its best to stick to no more than 1/4 of your plate to white vegetables like potatoes or grains like bread and rice.

Eating grains, bread, cereal, and white potatoes can have the opposite effect when it comes to increasing testosterone unless you eat them in moderation. They cause your sugar to spike, mess with your insulin and cause you to put on weight.

Step #3: De-Stress, Relax and Enjoy the Ride.

Thanks to mainstream media we are aware now more than ever of the adverse effects stress have on the body and immune system. When our bodies are stress increased cortisol levels cause not only fat to accumulate but mess with our hormones.

When our hormones are out of whack cortisol, a stress hormone, rising can reduce testosterone. These two hormones balance each other and when stress overtakes us testosterone has no chance. The major problem with cortisol is that it causes us to eat more, gain weight and then store more fat. This increase in cortisol causes the organs to be encased in fat and negatively affects testosterone.

So look into forms of stress reduction like yoga, meditation or Thai Chi to help manage cortisol and stress.

Step #4: Get Good Rest


The importance of a good night rest cannot be understated. Lack of quality sleep can negatively impact testosterone production in healthy men resulting in lower testosterone levels. Some studies suggest that getting not enough sleep is the equivalent of aging 10-15 years.

A recent study funded by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute found testosterone levels dropped significantly in men who don’t get enough sleep—equivalent to aging 10-15 years

With less rest comes not only lower libido but low energy levels, fatigue, terrible concentration and decreased strength.

Step #5: Get Sunshine and Vitamin D

Most people are deficient in Vitamin D, and most don’t even know it. Vitamin D is similar to getting some sunshine. Vitamin D is absorbed from the sun but in its absence supplementing with Vitamin D will suffice.

Vitamin D can increase testosterone levels by as much as 25%.

To get the most advantage from the effects of Vitamin D get regular exposure to sunlight and or take enough Vitamin D daily. The suggested dose is around 3,000 IU daily. As with any vitamin or supplement seek medical advice before taking any supplement.

Studies also show a vast improvement among the elderly who take Vitamin D with regards to boosting testosterone.

Step #6: Take Vitamins and Mineral Supplements

Determining whether multi-vitamins are valuable or not remain a controversial topic, however, some vitamins and mineral may be beneficial.

Vitamin B supplements can increase energy in some people and may increase sperm quality by as much as 74%. Zinc is not only an immune booster but some athletes have reported having increased testosterone levels when supplementing especially if deficient.

Step #7: Supplement With Specific Natural Testosterone Boosters

In this day and age, you have to be real careful what supplements you decide to take. There are governing bodies or organizations, like the FDA, that regulates supplements. However, this does not mean that some supplements or herbs are not worth it.

Step #8: A Healthy Lifestyle

As I have mentioned before keeping an eye on your hormones and making sure that they are balanced is the key to a not only feeling great but can result in high testosterone.

One thing to look out for is exposure to chemicals that mimic estrogen. Some of these estrogens are found in certain plastics and even in soy products. Even excess alcohol and drug use can lead to decreased testosterone. This includes recreational drugs and prescription drugs as well.

Laughing can aid your health tremendously so avoid the intense drama movies and switch to comedies if you are a moviegoer.


Testosterone is by far an essential hormone a man needs to pay attention. As a man ages, testosterone levels can decrease. Some research suggests this starts to happen as early as age 25.

Following a balanced diet, staying happy and in the sun and getting adequate rest can play a huge role in your overall health, both mental and physical and helps increase your testosterone levels.

Follow along for actionable tips and tricks on why testosterone make men tired and even the nine sign of low testosterone.

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Why Low Testosterone Makes Men Tired

As you may have noticed hormone replacement therapy has been popping up all over the news lately as well as in social media, articles, and ads. One of the main hormones in question is testosterone. In men, testosterone has been applauded as a treatment from poor sex life to fatigue and everything in-between.

But why is testosterone so important to a man over 50? In this article, I will reveal how testosterone can boost your energy, but can also make you feel young and strong like you did when you were in your teens.

What Is Testosterone?

In men that have low testosterone, testosterone boosts libido and energy. It can not only build muscle mass but protect or maintain it as well. Testosterone keeps muscles strong and even helps keep your ‘family jewels’, privates – sensitive to touch.

Yet many experts disagree whether this is a problem that needs treating.

In truth, if you have testosterone levels that are low for your age and for your exercise and stress level, it’s a great idea to seek treatment to correct these levels. At least consult your medical provider and get your testosterone levels checked.

Testosterone is after all ‘what makes a man, a man’. This hormone is so vital to a man’s healthy mental disposition and physical well being, that it’s worth keeping an eye on it.

Men Over 50

Once a man reaches 50 or so his testosterone levels can start to dramatically lower anywhere from 20 to 50 percent. Yet it’s not just about age, environmental issues such as stress and pollution can have a significant impact on testosterone.

Drinking energy drinks and large amounts of caffeine can also tax the adrenals which control fight and flight. Overuse of caffeine can also increase stress causing the testosterone to reduce.

Medical Study

An interesting study was conducted where men from Texas and Georgia, ages 20 to 70 were observed from all walks of life. What this study revealed was that men who were more active and ate better regardless of age had higher testosterone levels.

What was interesting about this study was that men over 50 who performed hard manual labor actually had higher natural testosterone than men half their age who only attended school and, or worked office jobs.

Low Testosterone Makes You Tired

It’s absolutely normal to feel a little more tired as you age or less energetic, however, this does not mean you have low testosterone. Low testosterone can cause extreme fatigue. A man who has low testosterone would have no ‘gusto’.

“A man who completely lacks testosterone has no ‘get up and go’ (I call this zest),” says human reproductive science Professor Richard Sharpe, of Queen’s Medical Research Institute in Edinburgh.

Give this same man more testosterone and he will feel motivated to accomplish something more. It gives him more drive, focus and ‘gusto’, it’s after all ‘what makes a man, a man’.

What Causes Low Testosterone?

Heavy alcohol consumption can mess up your hormones which can cause your testosterone levels to decline.

Being overweight, specifically fat around the waist can convert testosterone to estradiol, a form of the female sex hormone oestrogen – estrogen. It’s common as men age that abdominal fat increases around the waist. This contributes to lower testosterone.

What’s not entirely clear as men age is whether low testosterone is the cause of increased abdominal fat or does an increase in abdominal fat cause decreased testosterone.

What is clear is that increased abdominal fat can decrease testosterone levels so it’s always a good idea to watch what you eat and ‘watch your weight’ specifically your abdominal fat.

Bottom line the larger your waist the lower testosterone you may have which brings the increased chance that testosterone can be converted into estrogen (estradiol).

Low Sex Drive

Another culprit to lower testosterone is low libido. Having a low sex drive can be the result of low testosterone, however low libido can also be attributed to psychological issues and may not have anything to do with testosterone.

The only way to rule out low-T (low testosterone) is to get your testosterone levels checked.

Always consult your medical provider if you feel that you have low testosterone. He or she can order blood serum total and free testosterone tests or you can always get an in-home saliva test and check this yourself.

Studies have shown that increasing testosterone in men who have low testosterone can improve lido and sex life dramatically. This is the case with men that do not currently have psychological problems causing low libido.

Dramatically low T levels can reduce the feeling of wanting to have sex as well as the ability to get and maintain an erection.


Testosterone is one of the vital hormones that make a man strong, well balanced and feel alive.

If blood or saliva levels indicate that you have low testosterone you can opt for some over the counter supplements that may increase testosterone naturally. Your medical provider can also provide hormone replacement therapies ranging from gels to bioidentical hormone implant (pellets) therapy.

Regardless its always a great idea to keep a health watch on your diet and maintain low abdominal fat to ensure that your testosterone levels are optimal.

Feel like you might have low testosterone? There are 9 signs of low testosterone that may help you determine if you need to be concerned.

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TESTOSTERONE Makes a Man a Male

About Testosterone

Testosterone is a unique chemical structure that has the capacity to promote the formation of bone and muscle in the body. Testosterone is also referred to as an androgen, which means “male producing.” And, certainly, the hormone is an essential component of maleness.

In fact, there’s a sense in which it is testosterone that makes men male. You see, all fetuses start out anatomically female. If, however, the sperm that reached the egg carried a Y chromosome, then, sometime in the second month after conception, the male chromosome will cause the embryo’s newly developing genital ridge to secrete testosterone. As a result, the male sexual organs will begin to form. Those organs are well equipped to produce testosterone. Specialized cells in the testicles called Leydig cells become the male’s main factory for testosterone production and eventually form approximately 20 percent of the total testicular mass.

Adult Males

In adult males approximately 90 to 95 percent of testosterone is produced in the testicles by the Leydig cells, and the remainder is secreted as yet another product of the adrenals, those small, spectacularly potent glands we discussed a few pages back. In women, approximately half the testosterone produced comes from the ovaries and about half from the adrenal glands. Some is also created elsewhere in the body by conversion from the adrenal hormone, DHEA.

During the menstrual years, these various sources of the male hormone give the average woman a level about one-tenth as high as that of the average man. But, by her mid-thirties, a woman’s adrenal production begins to fall off dramatically, along with her sex drive, although sometimes not right away. That’s because, as the ovaries begin to fail, the body sends surges of gonadotrophins to promote estrogen production. Frequently, all they can manage to do is increase testosterone, an estrogen precursor. Thus, there may be a temporary rise in the male hormone. If, at that point, a woman goes on estrogen replacement, however, testosterone will quickly fall. This is yet another reason why accurate and targeted replacement dose of testosterone as an accompaniment to estrogen replacement makes very good sense for menopausal women.


Puberty Throughout childhood the male is producing rather small amounts of testosterone, and his Leydig cells are relatively quiescent. Then, at around thirteen years of age, puberty strikes. The control panel in the brain has sent signals to the testes to pour out the testosterone. Teenage girls receive similar instructions for estrogen (and, secondarily, for testosterone). All the changes we’re familar with begin to occur. In teenage boys the sexual organs enlarge, pubic and axillary hair grows, the voice deepens due to the thickening of the vocal cords, there is a thickening and darkening of the skin, an enlargement of the skeletal structure, a considerable increase in musclature, and, of course, the onset of sexual sensations and desires. There’s nothing subtle about testosterone at puberty. This is a blowtorch of a hormone. Teenage girls have their own quite apparent changes. The result, as we’ve all noticed, is that boys and girls lose the rather androgynous appearance of children and are suddenly transformed into two distinctly different body types. By their late teens, males are at their lifetime high levels of testosterone, typically 800 to 1200 ng/ dl when blood testing is done. Those levels usually stay fairly constant for the next ten to twenty years. Then they begin to decline, according to one study, at an average rate of 1 percent a year for total testosterone and 1.2 percent a year for the very important free testosterone. That, however, is no more than a statistical average.

Male testosterone declines

Male testosterone decline is highly variable and dependant on many interlocking individual factors. Some men are in the andropause by the time they’re forty and measure only 200 to 300 ng/ dl when tested. Other men are still at 800 ng/ dl at seventy. Why does testosterone decline? The rest of this chapter will give the first part of that answer; the next chapter, the surprising last part.


Thank you to: Fryer, William; Shippen, Eugene, M.D.. The Testosterone Syndrome: The Critical Factor for Energy, Health, and Sexuality—Reversing the Male Menopause (pp. 38-39). M. Evans & Company. Kindle Edition.



9 Signs of Low Testosterone

Medically reviewed by Judith Marcin, MD on April 19, 2017 — Written by Ryan Wallace and Kathleen Yoder

Low testosterone

Testosterone is a hormone produced by the human body. It’s mainly produced in men by the testicles. Testosterone affects a man’s appearance and sexual development. It stimulates sperm production as well as a man’s sex drive. It also helps build muscle and bone mass.

Testosterone production typically decreases with age. According to the American Urological Association, about 2 out of 10 men older than 60 years have low testosterone. That increases slightly to 3 out of 10 men in their 70s and 80s.

Men can experience a range of symptoms if testosterone decreases more than it should. Low testosterone, or low T, is diagnosed when levels fall below 300 nanograms per deciliter (ng/dL). A normal range is typically 300–1000 ng/dL, according to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. A blood test called a serum testosterone test is used to determine your level of circulating testosterone.

A range of symptoms can occur if testosterone production drastically drops below normal. Signs of low T are often subtle. Keep reading to learn the signs of low T in men.

#1. Low sex drive

Testosterone plays a key role in libido (sex drive) in men. Some men may experience a decline in sex drive as they age. However, someone with low T will likely experience a more drastic drop in their desire to have sex.

#2. Difficulty with erection

While testosterone stimulates a man’s sex drive, it also aids in achieving and maintaining an erection. Testosterone alone doesn’t cause an erection, but it stimulates receptors in the brain to produce nitric oxide. Nitric oxide is a molecule that helps trigger a series of chemical reactions necessary for an erection to occur. When testosterone levels are too low, a man may have difficulty achieving an erection prior to sex or having spontaneous erections (for example, during sleep).

However, testosterone is only one of many factors that aid in adequate erections. Research is inconclusive regarding the role of testosterone replacement in the treatment of erectile dysfunction. In a review of studies that looked at the benefit of testosterone in men with erection difficulties, nearly half showed no improvement with testosterone treatment. Many times, other health problems play a role in erectile difficulties. These can include:

#3. Low semen volume

Testosterone plays a role in the production of semen, which is the milky fluid that aids in the motility of sperm. Men with low T will often notice a decrease in the volume of their semen during ejaculation.

#4. Hair loss

Testosterone plays a role in several body functions, including hair production. Balding is a natural part of aging for many men. While there is an inherited component to balding, men with low T may experience a loss of body and facial hair, as well.

Learn more: Hair loss and testosterone »

#5. Fatigue

Men with low T have reported extreme fatigue and decrease in energy levels. You might have low T if you are tired all of the time despite getting plenty of sleep or if you’re finding it harder to get motivated to exercise.

#6.Loss of muscle mass

Because testosterone plays a role in building muscle, men with low T might notice a decrease in muscle mass. Studies have shown testosterone affects muscle mass, but not necessarily strength or function.

#7. Increased body fat

Men with low T may also experience increases in body fat. In particular, they sometimes develop gynecomastia, or enlarged breast tissue. This effect is believed to occur due to an imbalance between testosterone and estrogen within men.

#8. Decreased bone mass

Osteoporosis, or the thinning of bone mass, is a condition often associated with women. However, men with low T can also experience bone loss. Testosterone helps produce and strengthen bone. So men with low T, especially older men, have lower bone volume and are more susceptible to bone fractures.

#9. Mood changes

Men with low T can experience changes in mood. Because testosterone influences many physical processes in the body, it can also influence mood and mental capacity. Research suggests that men with low T are more likely to face depression, irritability, or a lack of focus.


Unlike women, who experience a rapid drop in hormone levels at menopause, men experience a more gradual decrease of testosterone levels over time. The older the man, the more likely he is to experience below-normal testosterone levels. Men with testosterone levels below 300 ng/dL may experience some degree of low T symptoms. Your doctor can conduct a blood test and recommend treatment if needed. They can discuss the potential benefits and risks of testosterone medication, as well.

Signs of low testosterone in men younger than 30 »

  • Araujo, A.B., & Wittert, G.A. (2011). Endocrinology of the aging male. Best Practice & Research in Clinical Endocrinolog


8 Testosterone-Boosting Foods

Medically reviewed by Natalie Butler, RD, LD on October 26, 2017 — Written by Kristeen Cherney

Eating for higher T

Testosterone is a male sex hormone that affects more than just sex drive. The hormone is also responsible for bone and muscle health, sperm production, and hair growth.

You can lose testosterone as you age, as well as from chronic illnesses. Hypogonadism, also called low testosterone or low T, is often medically treated to prevent future health problems.

Along with your doctor’s recommendations, you may consider potential testosterone-boosting foods as a natural complement to low T treatments. Two nutrients that are especially important to your diet are vitamin D and zinc.

#1. Tuna

Tuna is rich in vitamin D, which has been linked to longer life and testosterone production. It’s also a heart-healthy, protein-rich food that’s low in calories.

Whether you choose canned or fresh, eating this fish can be a natural way of boosting testosterone. A serving of tuna fulfills your daily vitamin D needs.

If you aren’t a tuna fan, you may consider other fishy sources of vitamin D, such as salmon or sardines. Remember that moderation is key. Aim for a max of two to three servings a week to minimize your intake of mercury, which is found in seafood.

Shop online for canned tuna, salmon, or sardines.

#2. Low-fat milk with vitamin D

Milk is a great source of protein and calcium. Children and women are encouraged to drink milk for better bone health, but milk can keep men’s bones strong too. The vitamin D content may also keep testosterone levels in check.

Make sure you choose milk that’s fortified with vitamin D. Choose low-fat or skim versions. They have the same nutrients as whole milk without all of the saturated fat.

Find low-fat milk fortified with vitamin D online.

#3. Egg yolks

Egg yolks are another rich source of vitamin D. While cholesterol has a bad reputation, egg yolk contains more nutrients than egg whites. The cholesterol of egg yolks may even help low T. As long as you don’t have any preexisting cholesterol issues, you can safely eat one egg per day.

#4. Fortified cereals

Eggs aren’t the only breakfast food that can help low T. This is especially good news if you have to watch your blood cholesterol.

Certain brands of cereals are fortified with vitamin D, not to mention other heart-healthy nutrients. Consider incorporating them into your breakfast routine to jump-start your day and your testosterone levels.

#5. Oysters

Zinc is an essential nutrient during puberty, and its effects can keep male hormones in check throughout adulthood. Men who have low T benefit from increasing their zinc intake if they also have zinc deficiencies. Oysters are good sources of this mineral.

#6. Shellfish

An occasional serving of crab or lobster may do your testosterone levels some good. This is thanks in part to the zinc content in these seafood favorites.

According to the National Institutes of Health, Alaskan king crab has 43 percent of your daily value of zinc in just a 3-ounce serving.

#7. Beef

There are real health concerns about the overconsumption of red meat. Not only do some cuts have more fat than poultry, but eating too much is also linked to certain cancers, such as colon cancer.

Still, some cuts of beef have nutrients that can boost testosterone. Beef liver is an exceptional source of vitamin D, while ground beef and chuck roast contain zinc.

To keep animal fats in check, choose only lean cuts of beef and avoid eating it every day.

#8. Beans

When it comes to male hormone health, beans may offer more benefits than you think. White, kidney, and black beans are all considered sources of vitamin D and zinc. Baked beans also offer these nutrients, but you’ll need additional sources in your daily diet.

As a bonus, these foods are full of plant-based proteins that can protect heart health.

Amazon offers a selection of beans to try.

More food for thought

Healthy diet changes may help with low T, but they’re not cures for hypogonadism. A doctor must confirm that you have low testosterone through a physical exam and blood test.

If you’re diagnosed with low T, you may be prescribed testosterone hormone replacements such as:

  • tablets or pills
  • skin patches
  • topical gel
  • injections

These medications can also come with the risk of serious side effects, so make sure you discuss all of them with your doctor beforehand.

As well, consider making dietary adjustments to boost your overall health, not just to treat low T.

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